Studies & Whitepaper

/Studies & Whitepaper

The Comprehensive Study for European Internal Communicators in 2020

By | May 29th, 2020|Categories: General, News, Studies & Whitepaper|

Digital transformation shapes internal communications in Europe like no other topic – this is reflected in the results of our study „Internal Communications Monitor 2020“. The study, commissioned by SCM (School for Communication and Management), Staffbase and Kammann Rossi, investigates the state of internal communications across Europe and provides an overview of relevant channels, content and formats. Using insights from more than 260 communications [...]

8 key figures that reveal all about your social intranet

By | January 27th, 2020|Categories: Studies & Whitepaper|

Your social intranet is up and running, and everyone is happy? Great! But what would happen if your colleagues and superiors were not only satisfied, but rather enthusiastic? If the number of users and work efficiency would evidently increase? This will not happen by itself. But if you know these eight important KPIs, it's no magic [...]

Social Intranet Guide: Trends – Topics – Tips

By | November 7th, 2019|Categories: Studies & Whitepaper|

Intranet 2.0: The new guide from SCM and United Planet gives an insight into current topics and trends concerning social intranets and provides helpful tips for your social intranet or for introducing one. We let you benefit from the know-how of experts and show you what you need to focus on to make your social intranet [...]